How to Make Stunning Tobacco Basket for Farmhouse Wall Decoration

I wanted to learn how to make stunning tobacco basket for farmhouse wall decoration for hanging it above the fireplaces, and just anywhere in my house. Then, I came across this video that helped me to save almost $200 that I had planned to spend on buying this item.

I never thought that by having all material in lace I would have made the complete item and started the new one and even getting addicted in few days as the process brings joy and results.

I’m planning to use my spare time and produce at least four tobacco baskets per day to sell them in major stores at a price that would quadruplicate the cost I will be subject to while buying the material.

By watching the video below, you will learn the list of material required and the perfect process of making a complete tobacco basket.

Supplies Needed

Durable Hot Glue for Projects that Last

Best Old English Scratch Cover For Light Woods

Thin cardstock;
A poster board;
1-inch strips;
Little ink pad;
Some glue sticks;
Brown shoe polish;
A paper towel;
A little spot of hot glue;
Some raffia twine;
Some drawers;
A little spot of hot glue;
Some raffia twine;

Step by Step Instructions

To make the gray, brownish aged look you to have to color these strips as described below.
Try to find a brown shoe polish or an Old English Scratch Cover for your furniture that is brown enough.
Take a paper towel and rub it on the strips to giving it more of a woodgrain look.
Just put it on the plastic and rub it. Go over them with an ink pad just to help them blend in.
After 45 minutes, you will have all your strips rubbed and stained. Now go ahead and pull out the ones you did with the ink pads.
At this point, you should have nine strips in front of you vertically and some horizontal strip moved up just a little bit about three inches which is where you are going to start it.
Now you are going to do it over and then where each strip meets put a little spot of hot glue in between each strip so that it will secure it and then you are just going to lift each one up and just start doing the over-and-under basket weave until you get all the way to the end of the strips.
For the time-saving purpose, instead of having to glue between every single one you can do every other one. As you get the bottom of your basket done it is time to see when you lift it up how you glued every other one and glue or secure some areas that are not glued.
Cut each strip that's long and leftover about an inch and a half, something like that. And start forming the shape of the tobacco basket.
Then, go ahead and hot glue two strips in the center of your basket to form the big X. A lot of the baskets always have that in the center.
Now that you have your first layer of the frame done you should trim off these little tabs so that you won't have much trimming to do at the end.
After having the second frame finished you have to take some raffia twine to hot glue it underneath and wrap it. Wrap the frame all the way around and that should finish it off.
At this point, you will have finished your stunning tobacco basket to slowly transitioning your kitchen into farmhouse.
Use the drawer to put a little galvanized thing in the back of it such as some antique kitchen utensils and you will end up realizing that your little tobacco basket just fits perfect in there.

This was one of the easiest projects I have ever tried. All material was cheap and by learning these steps I could reduce my expenses from $200 to $20 in a fun way and getting similar baskets to the one I have seen in the stores.

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